COFLT 2023 Fall Conference
"Reimagining, Reviving, Reframing
World Language Education"
COFLT 2023 Fall Conference will be held at University of Oregon in Eugene, OR, on Friday and Saturday, October 13-14.
Submit a Proposal
Click the gray "Submit" button in the left-hand side!
This year's conference will have three session types. Submission deadline is September 15 (extended!).
Session Types and Length:
Topic Ideas:
Deadline and Selection Process: Submission Deadline is September 15, 2023. Presentations will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Presenters will be notified no later than September 24, 2023.
Membership: You do not have to be a member of COFLT or WAFLT to submit a proposal. In order to present; however, you must be a member in good standing.
Conference Registration: All presenters must register for the conference. COFLT offers the presenter's rate at $100, instead of the regular member's rate at $130.
Questions: Contact the COFLT board at
Contact COFLT: email us: cofltoregon at gmail comCOFLT, A-153, Pacific University, 2043 College Way, Forest Grove OR 97116COFLT is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.