
  • 02 Oct 2015 5:05 PM | COFLT (Administrator)

    The COFLT Fall Conference Schedule (pdf) is now available online.  We have a very strong lineup of presentations and workshops scheduled, including workshops by Paul Sandrock, ACTFL Director of Education, presentations from David Bautista, ODE, on the Oregon Seal of Biliteracy, and cultural presentations by Pacific University language students mentors.  Descriptions of all sessions and details about meals will be posted over the weekend to the 2015 Fall Conference page.  

  • 20 Sep 2015 1:13 PM | COFLT (Administrator)

    Language in Motion NW is offering scholarships to new members who live more than 100 miles from Portland.

    The LiM scholarship covers the cost of conference registration ($150).  Bring a colleague and your colleague's registration fee is also free PLUS you receive a $50 travel and lodging bonus.

    Contact a COFLT Board Member or email for the scholarship registration code.

  • 22 May 2015 1:14 PM | COFLT (Administrator)

    The Annual Fall Conference will be held on October 9 and 10 at Portland Community College, Sylvania campus.  Watch the website and newsletters for more information.

    Keynote address and pre-conference workshop will be offered by Paul Sandrock, ACTFL Director of Education.

    Requests for presentation or workshop proposals will open June 1, 2015.

    Conference registration will open June 15, 2015.

  • 21 May 2015 4:39 PM | COFLT (Administrator)

    Spanish Phonetics

    Robert L Davis, U Oregon
    15-19 June, 2015

    Robert Davis, Professor of Spanish at the University of Oregon, is offering Spanish Phonetics,  a full 4-credit class, in an intensive one-week format. It’s listed as SPAN 324 (undergrad), but it could be taken SPAN 605 for graduate credit, if in-service teachers need the credits. Book an airbnb in Eugene, and complete a whole grad class in one week!


    Description and objectives. In this class, the students will learn basic linguistic tools to analyze the phonetic and phonological systems of Spanish. Topics include the phonetic alphabet, syllabification, and thorough review of Spanish spelling system and accent marks. Students will use these linguistic tools to diagnose and correct possible deficiencies in the pronunciation of Spanish that give the student a non-normative accent. We will also study the range of regional and social accents and dialects of Spanish. This contextualization of phonetics within the geographical and social realities of the Spanish-speaking world make this class a perfect complement to the study of the cultures and literatures that are the core of the humanities-oriented curriculum.

    Activities. The objectives above will be reached by

    • reading and study of linguistic descriptions of Spanish phonetics (textbook)
    • transcribing spoken and written texts using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
    • recording and evaluating the student’s oral production in Spanish
    • in-class practice of the sounds of Spanish.

    For more information, contact Robert L. Davis

    Robert L. Davis
    Professor of Spanish
    Director of Language Instruction | Dept. of Romance Languages
    University of Oregon | Eugene OR 97403-1233 USA

  • 21 May 2015 3:38 PM | COFLT (Administrator)

    The results of the May elections are in! Join us in welcoming the following members to the COFLT Board effective November 1st:

    Treasurer: Sandra Garcia (Pacific University; Japanese & Spanish)

    K-8 Representative: Tina Hargaden (Gordon Russell Middle School; French & Spanish)

    9-12 Representative: Scott Goodman (Valley Catholic High School; Spanish)

    Post-Secondary Representative: Michael Robert Woods (Willamette University; Spanish)

    These new board members will join the current COFLT Board members:

    President: Erica Andree (Pacific University; German)
    Vice-President: Natalie Stamper (Lewis & Clark College; French)
    Past-President: Yuliana Rodarte (Westview High School; Spanish)
    Secretary: Laura Mulas (Lewis & Clark College; Spanish)
    Webmaster: Ben Finch (West Salem High School; Spanish)
    9-12 Representative: Marj Hogan (Union High School; Spanish)
    9-12 Representative: Molly MacGregor (Evergreen High School; German)
    9-12 Representative: Ben Wolcott (North Salem High School; French)
    Post-Secondary Representative: Marie-Eve Thifault (Lewis & Clark College; French)

    A warm welcome to our new board members!

  • 25 Mar 2015 1:58 PM | COFLT (Administrator)

    Oregon lawmakers are proposing that computer coding be counted towards foreign language requirements for high school students. If HB 2766 passes, high school students will be allowed to take computer coding in lieu of traditional language classes, such as Spanish or French. Proponents of the bill argue (pdf) that coding is an important job skill that students can use anywhere in the world. Opponents say (pdf) that computer coding classes do not have the same cultural value as traditional language classes, which also include material on history and customs. Oregon is not alone in this debate; Texas passed similar legislation last year.
  • 16 Mar 2015 2:16 PM | COFLT (Administrator)
    Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 11.45.02 AM

    Oregon Department of Education Second Language Resources
  • 11 Mar 2015 5:33 AM | Anonymous

    Using the blog gadget, you can add a blog to your Wild Apricot site to provide timely updates and information to your membership.

    By using Recent blog posts, you can display a list of the most recent blog posts, with links to the full posts. The list will include the date of each post and the name of the poster – with the name linking to their profile if available.

    For instructions on inserting, moving, and deleting gadgets, see Gadgets.

  • 11 Mar 2015 4:36 AM | Anonymous

    You can create as many different blogs as you wish. You can limit access to a blog by placing it on a restricted page. If you make the page public, you can still use the blog gadget settings to control functionality for visitors and members.

    You can read more about setting up blogs on our Blog help page.

    If you are looking on more information on how to use blog, you can find it here.

Contact COFLT:
email us: cofltoregon at gmail com
COFLT,  A-153, Pacific University, 2043 College Way, Forest Grove OR 97116
COFLT is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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